
I've googled and searched the archives...  The docs for tomcat 4.1 state:

WARNING - The default configuration assumes that there is an SMTP server
listing on port 25 on localhost. If this is not the case, edit the
$CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml file, and modify the parameter value for the
mail.smtp.host parameter to be the host name of an SMTP server on your

Now, I've got more SSH tunnels for stuff than you can shake a stick at, and
it just so happens that the SMTP server I want to use is localhost listening
on port X.

I tried the format of:

<hostname>:<port> for the mail.smtp.host param

I also tried to see if there was a mail.smtp.port param

Neither of these seemed to work.

Any help is greatly appreciated... I can always dig into the code :-)



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