Hello, Filip.

I know that performance is the primary reason for using connection pooling,
but whether or not to use connection pooling was not my question.  I wanted
to know whether or not Tomcat 4.x has connection pooling built-in, and what
difference it would make in letting Tomcat 4.x use its internal connection
pooling versus explicitly declaring DBCP to be a datasource factory.

But after having read your message, you are suggesting that Tomcat 4.x does
indeed have connection pooling built-in.  Correct?  If that is true, then I
believe that I can safely assume that it uses Jakarta Commons DBCP to
provide this connection pooling.  Correct?  That, in turn, would lead me to
conclude that specifying DBCP to be the "factory" of a JNDI-deployed JDBC
datasource is redundant since Tomcat is going to use DBCP anyway.  Correct?
So, there would be nothing gained by explicitly declaring DBCP to be your
datasource factory since Tomcat will be using it anyway.  If the foregoing
assumptions are all correct, then my question has been answered.

Here are a couple more questions that I have about the built-in connection
pooling provided by Tomcat 4.x.

1) Does Tomcat always use DBCP if no datasource factory parameter is
specified?  Or does it have a means to discover the datasource factory
provided by the JDBC driver that you specify?  That is, does the JDBC 2.0
specification provide a means for Tomcat to discover that it can/should use
com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.whatever as a datasource factory for MySQL
connections, for example?

2) What are typical considerations for choosing to use DBCP over a vendor's
native datasource factory?  That is, what are typical reasons for choosing
to use com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.whatever over
org.apache.commons.dbcp.whatever?  For example, is the memory footprint of
one implementation versus the other a factor?  What types of features do
vendors provide (or not provide) that would lead an application developer to
choose one datasource factory over the other?  Has any one of the DBCP or
vendor implementations had a history of being problematic in some way?
Thread unsafe?  Maturity?  Feature set? Performance?  Support?

-----Original Message-----
From: Filip Hanik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 17:52
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Tomcat 4.x Provides Connection Pools for JDBC Datasources

the obvious gain from using a pool vs a non pooled connection is
but whether you use the tomcat DBCP or your own, doesn't really matter.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Dockery [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 4:32 PM
Subject: Tomcat 4.x Provides Connection Pools for JDBC Datasources

I recently picked up a copy of Mastering Tomcat Development (0471237647).
The following is an excerpt from the book's chapter entitled Databases,
Connection Pools, and JDBC:

"Prior to Tomcat 4, there was no connection pooling functionality within
Tomcat, and you had to make a choice about the connection pooling technology
to use.  With Tomcat 4.x, you get an easy-to-use connection pooling library
to work with, built into the server."

The book then provides examples of a Resource declaration for each of Tomcat
4.0.x and Tomcat 4.1.x (using driverName versus using url as the parameter

Is what the authors claim true?  If so, what do I gain by using a connection
pooling layer such as DBCP?

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