> Hi all,
> Have you used caching with the Java plug-in?  I have trouble downloading
> my jar files in temporary/permanent caching. I have signed my jars and
> added to my archive tag of my applet tag.  But still this does not work.
> I did find this java site
> http://java.sun.com/products/plugin/1.3/docs/appletcaching.html
> that talks about Object/Embed tag in html. But I am not sure how to
> actually change my html.  i.e. I have an applet tag that looks like :
> <HTML>
> <HEAD>
> <TITLE> My project </TITLE>
> </HEAD>
> <APPLET CODEBASE="classes" ARCHIVE="java/a.jar,cst/b.jar"
>         CODE="java/Applet.class"
>         WIDTH=800
>         HEIGHT=600
>         MAYSCRIPT>
>  <PARAM name = "Cabbase"                value = "">
>  <PARAM name = "DebugLevel"             value = "0">
>  <PARAM name = "DebugTimeStamp"         value = "false">
> and so on...
> </Applet>
> How do I write my <Object> tag within this applet tag, in the beginning
> or after?  What should I write in the ... of the  <Object ...>  the code
> base like in applet tag?
> TIA,
> Sudha
> Sudha Ramanujan
> SunGard Futures Systems
> (312) 577 6179
> (312) 577 6101 - Fax
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You can use the <object> tag as a replacement for
your applet tag.

Thus you would no longer have the <applet> tag.

I'm fairly sure that all of the attributes from the <applet> tag are also
in the <object> tag so you could just replace 'applet' with 'object'
and it should work.


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