--- "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > [1] I want to deploy axis services
> programmatically
> > after application starts. This is done by an
> > AdminClient contacting the server. But the problem
> is
> > that the server is not yet up! Where do you think
> > should I do this deployment?
> >
> We had a similar design requirement for the Java Web
> Services Developer
> Pack (http://java.sun.com/webservices/), where we
> needed some webapps to
> be initialized and functioning before requests could
> be processed.  The

Are these initializations not part of the webapp which
gets requests? 

> solution used there was to create two <Service>
> elements in the server.xml
> file, because Tomcat guarantees that the first
> <Service> will be
> completely initialized and available before the
> second one is started.

Here in my case, everything is in one webapp. Do you
still suggest me to split up things into two webapps
to be put separately in contexts of two <Service>

I dont know much about <Service> - I have look at the
docs briefly.

> You might want to download JWSDP and see how the
> default server.xml file
> there is set up.
> > thanks.
> Craig


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