        I have a servlet throwing a jar file with a
main applet..I have my directory test within webapps  
 directory..I have kept my servlet in   
/test/WEB-INF/ classes/ directory.. Where should i
my applet and jar file so that they can be accessed
 ..I am using <APPLET > tag for throwing jar and
applet through servlet..I have to set CODEBASE field
in my servlet ccordingly..if i set it to /test, i ned
to keep
applet class file and jar file in /webapps/test
directory . But this has public access and iy shows
the directory listing if accessed..and i want to keep
my applet and jar files in side WEB-INF(private
access)..So what should be the codebase and in which
directory shld i keep my jar file and the applet?????


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