> Not sure if it's relevant to you, but if you move to JDK1.4.1 you can run
> headless, which means the JFreeChart libraries won't try to call the X11
> libraries for drawing (which seems to be what you're trying to get around
> with the PJA).  It's a very annoying problem you're trying to solve - good
> luck.

Thanks Oliver

I run tomcat4.0.3 on a linux development server on-site, so I know I could
migrate to jdk1.4.1 and everything would work quite easily. However, our
live server runs Oracle App Server, and upgrading that (for either PJA or
JDK1.4.1) is a bit of a black box, so I'm trying to work out the best
solution. Knowing how to install PJA in the first place would be a help in
making decisions. I may just have to grin and investigate upgrading the jdk
on both servers.


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