This is a tricky issue.

First of all, see section SRV 9.11 of the Servlet Specification, v2.3.
Tomcat 4.x is an implementation of that Servlet Specification.  Tomcat
4.x is NOT a J2EE 1.3 implementation, and therefore is not required to
support JNDI lookups as outlined in the J2EE spec.  For servlet spec
2.3, it appears that Resin has implemented the J2EE 1.3 spec in this
area and tomcat 4.x hasn't.

The Servlet Spec 2.3 says changes are expected in the next version.  The
Servlet Spec 2.4 PFD doesn't seem to have changes in this area, however.

You raise an interesting point.  I'll have to look through the relevant
catalnia code to see exactly what's going on.  But I'd keep this on the
radar screen as it may be a "good thing" to do for 5.0.

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jason Axtell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 9:16 PM
>Subject: JNDI context in ServletContextListener
>I have a web app that I've been deploying on both Tomcat and Resin
>any problems for the past several weeks. Originally, I was performing a
>lookup for a DataSource whenever I needed a database connection (ie.
>whenever an HTTP request came in). To improve performance, I decided to
>the JNDI lookup to a ServletContextListener (in the contextInitialized
>My DataSource was bound under key java:comp/env/jdbc/OracleDB
>When I ran my modified code on Resin, everything worked just fine.
>when I ran it on Tomcat, I got a NameNotFoundException telling me that
>'jdbc' wasn't defined in the context (java:comp/env). I couldn't find
>obvious cause for the problem, since the only change I made to both my
>Tomcat and Resin configurations was adding the ServletContextListener.
>wrote another ServletContextListener to enumerate all the bindings in
>JNDI context.
>Running my new ServletContextListener on Resin produced the following
>The following bindings were found in java:comp/env:
>jdbc: [ContextImpl jdbc]
>servlet: [ContextImpl servlet]
>caucho: [ContextImpl caucho]
>ejb: [ContextImpl ejb]
>Context enumerated.
>The following bindings were found in java:comp/env/jdbc:
>OracleDB: [DBPool jdbc/OracleDB]
>test: [DBPool jdbc/test]
>projman: [DBPool jdbc/projman]
>Context enumerated.
>Running the same code on Tomcat produced this:
>The following bindings were found in java:comp/env:
>Context enumerated.
>javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name jdbc is not bound in this
>        at
>        ...
>        (stack trace follows)
>Now, I don't expect to see the same set of bindings on Tomcat as I do
>Resin. However, I do expect to see *some* bindings on Tomcat.
>as far as I can tell, my Tomcat JNDI directory is completely empty at
>time in the lifecycle that ServletContextListener.contextInitialized is
>called. My expectation would be for JNDI to contain all of the global
>application-specific bindings *before* a ServletContextListener is
>(this is the way Resin behaves). Is this expectation incorrect?
>So, here are my questions:
>1. Has anyone else run into this same problem?
>2. Is this actually a problem, or have I just run into a part of the
>which I was previously ignorant?
>3. Am I just doing something stupid in my configuration?
>Here are the relevant portions of the various files in question:
>        ...
>     <DefaultContext debug="99">
>          <Resource name="jdbc/OracleDB" auth="Container"
>               type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
>          <ResourceParams name="jdbc/OracleDB">
>        ...
>          </ResourceParams>
>     </DefaultContext>
>        ...
>        ...
>     <listener>
>     </listener>
>        ...
>public class JndiBindingsEnumerationServletContextListener implements
>  private void printBindings(Context rootContext, String
>    throws NamingException
>  {
>    NamingEnumeration names = rootContext.listBindings(subContextName);
>    System.out.println("The following bindings were found in " +
>subContextName + ":");
>    while (names.hasMore()) {
>      Binding binding = (Binding);
>      String name = binding.getName();
>      Object o = binding.getObject();
>      System.out.println(name + ": " + o);
>    }
>    System.out.println("Context enumerated.");
>  }
>  /**
>   * @see
>   */
>  public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event)
>  {
>    try {
>      Context context = new InitialContext();
>      this.printBindings(context, "java:comp/env");
>      this.printBindings(context, "java:comp/env/jdbc");
>    }
>    catch (NamingException e) {
>      e.printStackTrace();
>    }
>  }
>  /**
>   * @see
>   */
>  public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent event)
>  {
>  }
>You will notice right away that I do not have a resource-ref in
web.xml. I
>contend that I've never needed it before and don't see why I would need
>Thanks in advance for any help,
>Jason Axtell
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