I havent seen a context definition anywhere in your posts, are you
creating one?  


On Thu, 2003-02-06 at 09:28, Richard Johnstone wrote:
> OK, took all the stuff out of httpd.conf so all that is in there in the
> "loadmodule" and "include"
> In mod_jk.conf it has
>     JkMount /avcweb ajp13
>     JkMount /avcweb/* ajp13
> So to call I am trying
> http://999.99.999.99/avcweb/servlet/MyClass
> Still no luck
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/06/03 01:27pm >>>
> Well, what URL are you using?
> What ServerName are those JkMount statements tied to?
> If you're doing an Include of mod_jk.conf, you shouldn't have anything
> in
> httpd.conf but the "LoadModule" line and the "Include" line.
> My guess is your manually entered JK config in httpd.conf is
> conflicting
> with the generated config.
> Looks also like you are using Solaris, perhaps my Solaris HOWTO can
> help:
> http://www.johnturner.com/howto 
> John
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Richard Johnstone
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> > Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 6:02 AM
> > Subject: Tomcat and Apache
> > 
> > 
> > I apologise for sending this as I know there are about 50 
> > posts daily on
> > this subject but I can't get the 2 of these to link.
> > I have checked the archives and help docs and everything 
> > seems in place
> > but when I call my servlet without the 8080 port I get 
> > nothing. Looking
> > at the apache logs it says 
> > 
> > /opt/webFrontEnd/examples/servlet/avc.web.Clients.ClientsHomePage
> > 
> > The /opt/webfrontend is my document root for apache
> > 
> > There is no lines in the tomcat logs so apache isn't even posting to
> > tomcat
> > 
> > I must have missed something simple but I can't see what it is.
> > Any Help Please
> > 
> > Here is what I have set up in the conf files
> > 
> > 
> > <Server port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN" debug="0">
> > <Listener className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.config.ApacheConfig"
> >           modJk="/opt/apache/libexec/mod_jk.so"
> >           jkLog="/opt/apache/logs/mod_jk.log" jkDebug="info"
> >  />
> > 
> >       <Host name="localhost" debug="0" appBase="webapps"
> > unpackWARs="true">
> >       <Listener
> className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.config.ApacheConfig"
> > append="true" />
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Include /opt/tomcat-4.0.6/conf/auto/mod_jk.conf
> > LoadModule jk_module /opt/apache/libexec/mod_jk.so
> > AddModule mod_jk.c
> > 
> > JkWorkersFile /opt/tomcat-4.0.6/conf/jk/workers.properties
> > JkLogFile /opt/apache/logs/mod_jk.log
> > JkLogLevel info
> > 
> > JkMount /* ajp13
> > JkMount /examples/* ajp13
> > JkMount /avcweb/* ajp13
> > 
> > 
> > workers.tomcat_home=/opt/tomcat-4.0.6
> > workers.java_home=/opt/jdk1.4.1
> > ps=/
> > worker.list=ajp13
> > 
> > worker.ajp13.port=8009
> > worker.ajp13.host=localhost 
> > worker.ajp13.type=ajp13
> > 
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