On Wed, 2003-02-12 at 14:00, Alberto A C A S Magalhães wrote:

> John, i am using your document, Red Hat Linux 7.2 + Apache... + Tomcat
> 4.1.18,
> I finish installing, java and tomcat.
> When i startup tomcat, it gives an error, of, JAVA_HOME environment variable
> not correctly defined!!
> Can you help me...

Although I am not John, I will fill his rather huge shoes for a

You need to set the JAVA_HOME variable. You can do this by setting it
manually on the command line (type: 'JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java/install')
or. better yet, assign the variable in the startup.sh file. Include a
line at the beginning under the comments:


The '/path/to/java/install' depends on how you installed Java. If by
RPM, I believe it is /usr/java/jdk_version#.

Ben Ricker


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