
Try putting the paths to JkWorkersFile, JkLogFile, and your examples
directory in quotes, i.e.:

 LoadModule jk_module libexec/mod_jk-1.3.26.dll
 AddModule mod_jk.c
 JkWorkersFile "C:/Tomcat4_1_12/conf/"
 JkLogFile "C:/Tomcat4_1_12/logs/mod_jk.log"
 JkLogLevel debug 
 Alias /examples "C:/Tomcat4_1_12/webapps/examples"
 JkMount /examples/servlet/* testWorker
 JkMount /examples/*.jsp testWorker
 <Location "/examples/WEB-INF/">
 AllowOverride None
 deny from all 

If that doesn't work, try using the standard Windows backslash for all local


Arun wrote:

>   Hi, 
>   I'm trying to configure Apache(1.3x) with Tomcat(4.1) using mod_jk on Win2k.
>   After configuring Tomcat, I defined a worker.proterties file under Tomcat
> as:
>       worker.list=testWorker
>       worker.testWorker.port=8009
>       worker.testWorker.type=ajp13
>   My httpd.conf look like this:
>       ..
>       ..
>       LoadModule jk_module libexec/mod_jk-1.3.26.dll
>       AddModule mod_jk.c
>       JkWorkersFile C:/Tomcat4_1_12/conf/
>       JkLogFile C:/Tomcat4_1_12/logs/mod_jk.log
>       JkLogLevel debug
>       Alias /examples C:/Tomcat4_1_12/webapps/examples
>       JkMount /examples/servlet/* testWorker
>       JkMount /examples/*.jsp testWorker
>       <Location "/examples/WEB-INF/">
>       AllowOverride None
>       deny from all
>       </Location>
>   When I test, I'm getting the following error message:
>       Syntax error on line 1024 of c:/program files/apache
> group/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
>       JkWorkersFile takes one argument, the name of a worker file for the
> Jakarta servlet containers
>   Please suggest..
>   Arun Mysore

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