To me, the obvious answer is that your old version of Tomcat is still

To kill a process that won't die, use `kill -9 [PID]`.  -9 is the
"strongest" kill signal you can send.  The kernel won't let the process
ignore or catch the signal.

What I would do, though, is remove your old Tomcat installation entirely,
and move the new one into the old one's location.  It can't run if it's not
there.  :-)


Michael Harrison wrote:

> I'm running (or trying to) Tomcat 4.0.6 on RedHat 8.0 for PC. I installed
> Tomcat from a binary (ie. I just unpacked it and moved it into /usr/local. I
> ultimately hope to run it connected to Apache (2.0.44) through an ajp13
> connector, but for now I just want the server to run by itself on port 8080.
> When I startup Tomcat, it writes an error to logs/catalina.out about a
> BindException: address already in use:8080. To try to shut off whatever might
> be listening on 8080, I've made sure to kill the 'java' process for Tomcat and
> Apache (which starts automatically when rebooting). But I still get the same
> error.
> Another strange thing: despite the BindException, the 'java' process keeps
> running. Executing produces the four "Using..." lines of output
> and then hangs--I have to use Ctrl-C to get a prompt back, and the 'java'
> process continues to run.
> Also: a bit of history. I had Tomcat working OK on 8080 a few days ago. Then I
> began working to set up the connector: I complied a mod_jk and set up
> httpd.conf with the proper directives. Something I did must have offended
> Tomcat, because it stopped responding on 8080. To get a fresh start, I
> downloaded a new copy of Tomcat this morning and installed it in a separate
> directory under /usr/local. It's this new copy that has been returning the
> BindException.
> The sysadmin assures me that port 8080 is not being blocked on the machine,
> either.
> Thanks,
> Michael

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