Hey Jim,

I think Yoav's answer is very practical, and in spite of the fact that
it would require a code change if you change loggers down the road, it
is only a few lines in one place. You should think about it, because it
is pretty low-cost, compared to the amount of time we have already
spent. ;-)

However, in the interest of understanding what is going on, I think what
is happening is that the common classloader is loading commons-logging
and log4j and looking for configuration there. It cannot find it because
at that point, it does not know where to look - the configuration is at
a lower level and is not available to the common classloader. Then when
you try to use commons logging in myapp, it is not found in the myapp
classloader, so it looks up to the common classloader and uses that one
with the configuration found there. 

I would try adding commons-logging.jar to your WEB-INF/lib directory.
That way, when the server wants to log, it should be able to. When your
app wants to log, it should find commons logging and log4j right there
and log4j should find the config there too. I will keep my fingers
crossed. ;-)


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/17/03 02:08 AM >>>
Hi Larry,

In my myapp/WEB-INF/lib I have:


In myapp/WEB-INF/classes I have:


In common/lib I have:


And in server/lib I have no logging files.

I intend to use log4j anyway so it is not a major problem if I use it
directly rather than through commons-logging. It would however be nice
to be
able to chop and change the underlying logging implementation without
to change my code.



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