1. Do you have the Alfred parser in CATALINA_HOME/common/endorsed or common/lib?

2. Do you have the Alfred parser somewhere on your classpath?

3. Are you setting an environment variable for the sax parser to be Alfred?

In cases 1 and 2, getting rid of Alfred and the problem should go away. In case 3, you will have to make sure to either not set this environment variable or set it to the xerces sax parser.


At 09:23 AM 2/17/2003 -0500, you wrote:

Trying to startup Tomcat I get the following error:
Feb 14,2003 2:03:19 PM org.apache.comons.digester.Digester getParser
SEVERE: Digester.getParser: javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException: AElfred parser is non-validaing
at com.icl.saxon.aelfred.SAXParserFactoryImpl...

...and Tomcat fails to start. I'm trying to use the Xerces parser instead, but Tomcat insists on looking for the AElfred XML parser. How can I make Tomcat use the Xerces parser and/or eliminate this error?


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