I am still feeling my way through the setup and operation of these applications so please be gentle and explicit if you could.

I have tomcat 4.1.18 running with Apache 2.0.43 and mod_jk2.0.43 running on Mandrake-Linux 8.2.

I can run the supplied tomcat examples from within my local network using the server's local name, but when accessing the server from the internet all I get is a blank page for those same examples. Apache seems to be working OK as I can access my web pages stored there with no problem from the internet. I am using dyndns.org to handle my dynamic IP . I don't know if this is an apache, tomcat, mod_jk or other setup problem. Any ideas? I'm guessing there is something in a conf file someplace, but not sure where to start looking.

Thanks very much
Todd Paridon

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