Hi All,

       I am a newbie to linux and tomcat. I configured tomcat3.3.1a with apache1.3  in 
Windows NT. I don't know how to do it in the Linux?..

  This is my mod_jk.conf.
<IfModule !mod_jk.c>
  LoadModule jk_module libexec/mod_jk.so

JkWorkersFile "/home/navinv/ramkumar/jakarta-tomcat-3.3.1a/conf/jk/workers.properties"
JkLogFile "/home/navinv/ramkumar/jakarta-tomcat-3.3.1a/logs/mod_jk.log"

JkLogLevel emerg

JkMount /admin ajp13
JkMount /admin/* ajp13

JkMount /examples ajp13
JkMount /examples/* ajp13

JkMount /AccountAggregator ajp13
JkMount /AccountAggregator/* ajp13
and i found three shared objects.

Out of the following three, which one i should rename to mod_jk.so and include in the 
/modules/ folder. Please tell me about what is EAPI?..

    1. mod_jk-3.3-ap13-eapi.so    
    2. mod_jk-3.3-ap13-noeapi.so
    3. mod_jk-3.3-ap20.so

Any help would be appreciated..


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