
I don't exactly know the version (or revision) of DB2 we are using, but it is working.

-DB2 version x.x on Solaris
-Tomcat 4.1.x on Linux with DB2 ClientConnect instaled
- Sun jdk 1.3.x.

Add the following line


to file <TOMCAT>/bin/setclasspath.sh.

Create <TOMCAT>/bin/setenv.sh, as a copy (or a link) of file <DB2>/sqllib/db2profile.
Create <TOMCAT>/common/lib/db2java.jar (has to be a .jar file, the name don't really matter). This is a copy (or a link) of file <DB2>/sqllib/java12/db2java.zip.

Added (in the right place, look for a similar entry as example) to <TOMCAT>/conf/server.xml:

<Context path="/myapp" docBase="myapp" debug="99"
reloadable="true" crossContext="true">
<Resource name="jdbc/db2"
<ResourceParams name="jdbc/db2">

Here, myapp is the name of your .war file or directory in <TOMCAT>/webapps. Of course your directory name will be different.

Add (in the right place, look for a similar entry as example or if the file is "empty", put it between <web-app> and </web-app>) to <TOMCAT>/webapps/myapp/WEB-INF/web.xml:

<description>DB Connection</description>

And then, your servlet code may have something like this:

import java.sql.Connection;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
Connection c = null;
try {
Context ctx = (Context) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env");
c = ((DataSource) ctx.lookup("jdbc/db2")).getConnection();
} catch (Exception e) {

Variable 'c' is now a pooled DB2 connection.

I think that's it. Hope that helps,


Simon Wong wrote:

Hello, all,

Does anyone successfully configure DB2 version 8.1 using Jakarta Commons
Connection Pool?

Could you share your experience with us?

Thanks in advance,

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Fabio Mengue - Centro de Computacao - Unicamp
Testing can show the presence of bugs, not their absence. Edsger W. Dijkstra

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