If you intend to employ the J2EE technologies to build a web application, Rod 
new book, "Expert One on One J2EE Design and Development" shall be a very good 

22/02/2003 1:52:35 PM, Jens Skripczynski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I'm looking for a book, that helps/guides me through a website planning.
>Explanation will get rather lenghty, so I'm looking for some experienced guy,
>I can ask for some ressources.
>(* replies please in PM, since i do not want to clutter the mailinglist *)
>(* I believe the amount here is enourmourous (?)  100 << mails / day    *)
>- I have  oreily 'Information architecture' which says, you need 
>    - navigation
>    - meta data
>    - search
>- books about jsp, servlet, xslt
>- i know how to use html, ssi and php
>But i'm really stuck in planing a new site from scratch.
>One thing i'm interested in, is a book, that asks me the right questions,
>guides me through the process.
>[...] I wrote down many questions, but mainly it boils down to 2 questins:
>- How to architect a site ? (Here i have some ideas / help)
>   - layout
>   - directory structure
>   - URL structure (they should not change in the future)
>   - do's - don'ts
>- How do i implement the site (howto combine the tools avaible) ?
>  (here i'm totally lost, in the sheer amount of things avaible.
>   they are all good, for the stuff, they were written, 
>   but for most, i can't determine the purpose, and they all seem like
>   hen-cow-pig soltions (egg, milk & meat) so  "one 4 all" solution)
>   - what tools are avaible, and where are they usefull (strength, weaknesses,
>     small solution <> enterprise solution, setup time, administration,
>     stable...)
>        - content solutions
>           - static xhtml from xslt
>           - struts
>           - jsp & servlets
>        - metadata manangement for search engines
>        - database comparison (this was already solved in another email)
>Currently I'm very afraid of a redisign or at worst a total relaunch, because
>i used the wrong technic - so i want to do things right from the
>scratch, or at least try to minimize the number of flaws.
>I've been searching for a book, that gives me support for my questions, but
>those books i found explain one technics (like jsp, servlet, html,... ) but they do 
>tell me, how the combine those.
>P.S.: Where is a good place to ask tomcat, jsp, servlet, logging related
>      questions ? 
>      [OT] is quiet popular here and the answers were always very helpfull to
>      me, but they do not belong here. Who knows a good community ?
>Jens Skripczynski
>E-Mail: skripi(at)myrealbox(dot)com
>Gehe Grosse Dinge mit Gelassenheit an. [...] Und nehme kleine Dinge ernst.
>                                -- aus "Ghost Dog"
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