Zachary Kuhn wrote:
I just installed the 4.1.8 release of Tomcat via the linux binary RPM.
However, when I go to /var/tomcat4/bin
i have no startup scripts, only a couple jar files. The docs say the
startup files should be there. Is there something
I am missing?

The bin/ scripts are only found in the binary release. With the .rpm, you launch the server using something like /usr/bin/tomcat4.

I wrestled with the rpm for about a week, and then took the advice of everybody who responded to me and switched to the binaries. The documentation is now much more relevant for me, and I have no complaints about installation. I understand the convenience factor, but I would highly recommend using the binaries over the .rpm version, which is weird, undocumented, and prone to problems that the people on this list can't help you with.

Jon Roberts

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