Where can I find the changes list from Tomcat 4.0.x to Tomcat 4.1.x. 

Could someone answer 'session' question mentioned below

| I moved my web appl from Tomcat 4.0.4 to Tomcat4.1.18.
| For each user session I store the reference| to the session in a Vector so that I
| can tell what users are logged-in, last-accessed-time etc. It was working fine 
| in Tomcat 4.0.4. But in Tomcat4.1.18 (perhaps due to new specifications) session
| objects are pooled (StandardSessionFactory) and hence the references I
| am storing in the Vector become useless across the jsp page calls. I have a
| thread that uses this Vector to clean up the users that are timedout but since
| the session refs in my Vector are useless I can do nothing. Instead of 
| storing the refs if I store Session IDs then can I get ref to a session from 
| JSP Server so that I can get the attributes I have set in it. Please comment.


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