I haven't had a chance to play with Oracle 9i, but I
do have experience with 8i and classes112.zip is the
drivier you want.

the older 8i jdbc driver did not have pooling support
and had several bugs. one bug I found with a co-worker
was verified in classes111.zip driver and fixed in


--- Chong Yu Meng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oh dear ! I had 2 consultants from Oracle India
> helping me the last 
> time, and it took about 2 weeks to get everything
> right, but that 
> involved installing and tuning Oracle 8 and 8i,
> setting up automated 
> backups, etc., along with JDBC. Cost a bomb, but
> they were quite good. I 
> don't think I could have done the job without them.
> The way I would start would be :
> 1. Find out the version of Oracle - 8.1.5, like I
> said, has pretty flaky 
> drivers (not sure if Oracle has released any new
> versions since my last 
> disastrous encounter back in 2000), but 8.1.7 seems
> to be ok. DataDirect 
> drivers are still your safest bet, I believe, and
> they're pretty cheap 
> (in Singapore anyway).
> 2. Read up on JDBC and SQL. There are some excellent
> tutorials on the 
> Internet. Try IBM Developerworks
> (http://www.ibm.com/developer). If your 
> implementation is simple enough (i.e. do most of
> your processing outside 
> the database, and use the database only as a
> repository), this should be 
> all you need.
> 3. See if you can get help from a resident Oracle
> guru. I suppose you 
> could post your questions here, but I'm no expert in
> Oracle, and I'd be 
> unable to help you. I'm not sure about the level of
> Oracle support on 
> the newsgroups or websites. For IBM's DB2, the
> support is the best I 
> have ever experienced, with the original developers
> sometimes pitching 
> in to help in the newsgroups.
> Hope this helps !
> Regards,
> pascal chong
> Swapneel Dange wrote:
> > hi MIKE, PENG , CHONG !!
> >
> > guys, there seems to be a problem here for me with
> the database 
> > implementation. After all the discussion i was all
> set to implemenent 
> > the database as a FILESYSTEM only but my BOSS
> insists that ORACLE 
> > shoudl be implemented. Can somebody of u enlighten
> me with the SITES 
> > and README files about impplementing ORACLE under
> TOMCAT umbrella and 
> > what could be the DRIVERS i need to know before i
> plunge into the deep 
> > sea of ORACLE implementation. some of the drivers
> suggested are the 
> > ones made by DATATAKE, JBOSS (i guess, i may be
> wrong)or the default 
> > drivers which come up with the ORACLE.
> >
> > Comments are really awaited !
> >
> > Swapneel Dange
> > 505-642-4126
> > http://www.cs.nmsu.edu/~sdange
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