I just downloaded and installed the most recent release of Tomcat and I'm running it 
on Windows
XP.  I'm trying to learn JSP on my local machine (8080), but I have a few questions.

When attempting a helloworld.jsp page that was to include the date, the code <%= 
%> is not displaying anything at all.  I'm trying to figure out what could be setup 
incorrectly to
keep this from running.

I'm running the j2sdk1.4.1_01.  I just setup all of the Java SDK stuff today, so let 
me know if
I'm forgetting anything.

My new environment variables are as follows:
JAVA_HOME     C:\j2sdk1.4.1_01
CLASSPATH     .;C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat 4.1\common\lib\servlet.jar
CATALINA_HOME C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat 4.1
PATH          C:\j2sdk1.4.1_01\bin

I'm not sure what could be wrong because the main JSP pages work, as well as the admin 
and manager

Also, I just downloaded SunONE Community Edition because I've been told that's it's 
supposed to be
very good for JSP, Servlets and Beans.  For some reason, everytime I try to run this 
JSP page,
it's telling me that no servers are installed and I'm not sure what could be wrong 
there either.

Thanks in advance!


Barry W. Jones III

"Life is like a dogsled team; if you ain't the lead dog, the scenery never changes."
- Lewis Grizzard

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