
I use Tomcat 4.0.1 and Struts 1.0.2.

I created a JSP file using lots of Struts tags. 
When Tomcat compile this JSP, i have lots of errors of type :

" Variable _jspx_th_bean_write_12 may not have been initialized.
  if (_jspx_th_bean_write_12.doEndTag() == javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag.SKIP_PAGE)"

But when i comment one or two lines (any of them) of my JSP file, Tomcat compile my 
file without errors or warning.
Then I uncomment this lines and Tomcat can't compile my file

Then , I try to compile with javac my java file that provoke the errors and I don't 
have errors.

I dont understand this problem.

Help me please and sorry for my english !!!!

Good day

Guillaume Albini

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