----- Original Message -----
From: "Ben Ricker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Tomcat application redeploy behind Apache server

> On Tue, 2003-03-04 at 09:43, Jim Cobban wrote:
> > I am sorry to keep harping on this, but I still am no closer to solving
> > problem.  I don't even know where to look for a solution.
> Are you sure you are not caching the web pages? Do you have caching on
> in the httpd.conf? Do you send the "pragma-nocache" in your HTML? Try
> changing the browser settings to always go back to the server and if you
> still get the old page, then look to see if Apache has caching on.
> I noticed that you are using mod_webapp. you might want to try to switch
> to mod_jk instead. It works with one Tomcat only; I have heard that it
> is a good idea to remobe the load-balancing weight when only using one
> tomcat. The, you should be able to use the manager app.

I did not want to respond until I had tried everything you suggested.

The problem I was having with the connector was NOT that updated pages were
not visible after the redeploy with the manager app.  It was only that
updated classes were not visible.  Indeed I did not even have to redeploy to
see the updated pages.  All I had to do was issue a reload at my browser and
the updated page would appear.  So the problem has nothing to do with
cacheing on Apache.

Since you and one other person suggested that I was using an older, although
not obsolete, connector, I have had the connector replaced by mod_jk2, the
latest, and supposedly greatest, connector.

Still I cannot get the manager application to redeploy.  Except now things
are worse, since the ability to update the pages without restarting the
Tomcat server has been lost.

There must be SOMEONE out there who has gotten this to work.  Please tell me
what I have to do to get the manager application to work behind Apache.

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