I have commented out the invoker in web.xml for tomcat as suggested and
changed the mapping relative to the webapp root, however I still find the
same problem

2003-03-10 16:23:11 StandardContext[/GenDBconn]: Mapping
contextPath='/GenDBconn' with requestURI='/GenDBconn/serv
let/Controller' and relativeURI='/servlet/Controller'
2003-03-10 16:23:11 StandardContext[/GenDBconn]:   Trying exact match
2003-03-10 16:23:11 StandardContext[/GenDBconn]:  Mapped to servlet
'Controller' with servlet path '/servlet/Contr
oller' and path info 'null' and update=true
2003-03-10 16:23:11 StandardWrapper[/GenDBconn:Controller]: Marking
servlet Controller as unavailable
2003-03-10 16:23:11 StandardWrapperValve[Controller]: Allocate exception
for servlet Controller
javax.servlet.ServletException: Error instantiating servlet class

since my application is not under ../webapps, I have the following in the
server.xml file:

        <!-- GenDB -->
        <Context path="/GenDBconn" docBase="/data/_n/GenDBconn" debug="4"
                 reloadable="true" crossContext="true">
          <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
                     prefix="localhost_GenDBconn_log." suffix=".txt"

thank you,


On Mon, 10 Mar 2003, Tim Funk wrote:

> If your webapp is GenDBconn, then your mapping should be:
>       <servlet-mapping>
>           <servlet-name>Controller</servlet-name>
>           <url-pattern>/servlet/Controller</url-pattern>
>       </servlet-mapping>
> Servlet mappings are relative to the webapp root, not the web browser root.
> Also, comment out the invoker servlet since you are already mapping your 
> servlet to the one single URL. (And /serlvet/* is very bad)
> -Tim
> Giulia Hill wrote:
> > I'm upgrading tomcat to 4.1 from 3.2 and I'm running into a problem with
> > the web.xml
> > 
> > After following a suggestion of commenting out the invoker section in the
> > conf/web.xml of tomcat, I still receive an error when invoking the
> > servlet, even though, alas, a different one.
> > 
> > the servelet in called as 'servlet/Controller' and 'Controller' from forms
> > whose url is of the kind http://domain/GenDBconn
> > 
> > here is my web.xml
> > <web-app>
> >  <display-name>GenDBconn</display-name>
> >  <description>Test site for GenDB</description>
> >     <servlet>
> >         <servlet-name>Controller</servlet-name>
> >     <description>Test site for GenDB</description>
> > 
> > <servlet-class>edu.berkeley.library.GenDBServlets.GenDBController</servlet-class>
> >         <init-param>
> >             <param-name>allProjectsXML</param-name>
> > 
> > <param-value>/data/_n/GenDBconn/WEB-INF/classes/edu/berkeley/library/propertyFiles/allProjects.xml</param-value>
> >         </init-param>
> >      </servlet>
> >     <servlet-mapping>
> >         <servlet-name>Controller</servlet-name>
> >         <url-pattern>/GenDBConn/servlet/Controller</url-pattern>
> >     </servlet-mapping>
> >   <session-config>
> >     <session-timeout>30</session-timeout>
> >   </session-config>
> >   <welcome-file-list>
> >     <welcome-file>index.html</welcome-file>
> >   </welcome-file-list>
> > </web-app>
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------
> > the web.xml of tomat has the following uncommented
> >     <!-- The mapping for the invoker servlet -->
> > 
> >     <servlet-mapping>
> >         <servlet-name>invoker</servlet-name>
> >         <url-pattern>/servlet/*</url-pattern>
> >     </servlet-mapping>
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------
> > the error that I see from the logs is:
> > 2003-03-10 15:32:47 StandardContext[/GenDBconn]: Mapping
> > contextPath='/GenDBconn' with requestURI='/GenDBconn/serv
> > let/Controller' and relativeURI='/servlet/Controller'
> > 2003-03-10 15:32:47 StandardContext[/GenDBconn]:   Trying exact match
> > 2003-03-10 15:32:47 StandardContext[/GenDBconn]:   Trying prefix match
> > 2003-03-10 15:32:47 StandardContext[/GenDBconn]:  Mapped to servlet
> > 'invoker' with servlet path '/servlet' and pat
> > h info '/Controller' and update=true
> > 2003-03-10 15:32:47 invoker: included='false',
> > requestURI='/GenDBconn/servlet/Controller'
> > 2003-03-10 15:32:47 invoker:   servletPath='/servlet',
> > pathInfo='/Controller'
> > 2003-03-10 15:32:47 invoker: Processing servlet 'Controller' with path
> > info ''
> > 2003-03-10 15:32:47 invoker: Using wrapper for servlet 'Controller' with
> > mapping '/servlet/Controller/*'
> > 2003-03-10 15:32:47 StandardWrapper[/GenDBconn:Controller]: Marking
> > servlet Controller as unavailable
> > 2003-03-10 15:32:47 invoker: Cannot allocate servlet instance for path
> > /GenDBconn/servlet/Controller
> > 
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > I have tried a number of different combinations in the servlet-mapping in
> > order to find the servlet but, clearly I haven't got the right one.
> > 
> > Suggestions appreciated!
> > 
> > thanks
> > 
> > Giulia
> > 
> > 
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Giulia Hill
  Library Systems Office
  University of California at Berkeley
  386 Doe Annex
  Berkeley, CA 94720

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