Dear All:
I come across a very strange error and appreciate any help/tips.

My env:
  I am using Jakarta Tomcat 4.1.12 (on Linux) and 4.1.18 (on Solaris).
  I have installed MySQL JDBC connector and I have written
  some JSP code to input/retrieve data from my MySQL database.
  The MySQL DB is running on the Linux box.

  In my JSP code, I used a lot of these methods to get around
  between pages:

RequestDispatcher dp = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("some path to a page");
dp.forward(request, response);

  At some other pages that does not have JSP, the standard HTTP post
  is used for going to the next page.
  I have also some backend Java code that sits in the
  shared/lib directory that my JSP code will interact with.
  I have worked on this for about a month and just this
  week, I came to notice this problem.

A single operation involves 4 pages of fill-in-blanks on different
forms. I would go through one cycle (the 4 pages) once. Redirect
back to the beginning and if I would go through right away
the same cycle, I would choke in between pages. The browser is spinning after I press that "Continue" button and after a while
would display the standard "Page cannot be loaded" message.
If I restart the servlet engine, everything is fine again for
the first time and the cycle repeats.
If I comment out the RequestDispatcher section above
from a page that it was choking on, then it displayed that
page just fine.

  Everything seems to point to the RequestDispatcher not able
  to actually forward to the next page.  Sometimes, those static
  HTTP post pages have the same problems too though not as consistent.

  Not sure what I did wrong.  I did not do any extra config and use
  Tomcat right out of the download.

Any help/tip much appreciated....


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