
Is there any way to debug performance/load of particular node in tomcat
cluster? I remember that it was possible with JServ to configure log
file so, that it contained information about how many requests are
served by each node. I tried to configure JkRequestLogFormat to do the
same thing, but it can show only worker name, which is 'loadbalancer'
for all requests. It seems that increasing JkLogLevel doesn't help too.
Do you have any other ideas? I'd like to get an info like this:

Worker  Request                     ExecTime
tomcat1 /servlet/some.servlet2      2.34
tomcat2 /servlet/some.other.servlet 3.12
tomcat3 /servlet/some.servlet       0.28
tomcat2 /servlet/some.servlet3      1.21

with workers.properties like this:


If it is not possible with mod_jk - maybe mod_jk2 has similar feature?



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