Hi all,

I have configured Apache Tomcat/4.1.18 an Redhat 7.3 and it works fine with a 
simple test application.

However, I am now trying to develop as per the "Application developers Guide" 
(directory structure with Ant controlling build/deploy) and am having some 
problems with the Ant install task. When I execut 'ant install' I get the 

 [install] OK - Installed application at context path /test

However, when I try to run that context path I get "resource not found".

If I execute 'ant dist' to create a WAR file and copy this to 
$CATALINE_HOME/webapps and restart tomcat my application works fine.. so I 
know there are no errors in my web.xml or friends.

So why doesn't 'ant install' task correctly insert my application into Tomcat 
so it is instantly available, i.e. no root priviledge needed to copy war file 
and no Tomcat restart.

Consulting the log files reveals the following information indicating 
something as gone wrong:

--- START LOG ---
2003-03-19 17:51:13 Manager: install: Installing web application at '/test' 
from 'file:///home/abhorne/sandbox/webapp/build'
2003-03-19 17:51:13 StandardHost[localhost]: Installing web application at 
context path /test from URL file:/home/abhorne/sandbox/webapp/build
2003-03-19 17:51:13 StandardContext[/test]: Resources start failed:
2003-03-19 17:51:13 StandardContext[/test]: Context startup failed due to 
previous errors
2003-03-19 17:51:13 StandardContext[/test]: Exception during cleanup after 
start failed
LifecycleException:  Container StandardContext[/test] has not been started
--- END LOG ---

Thanks in advance,

Arun Horne [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]

Exeter Bioinformatics Centre
Washington Singer Laboratories
University of Exeter
Prince of Wales Road


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