The box does have a static IP.  Pinging does resolve to my
static IP address.  

Actually, I have 3 websites/domain names that point to my static IP address
and I'd like to use JSP & Struts on all 3.  Right now, I'm trying to get 1
to work then I'll go with the others.

-----Original Message-----
From: JD Daniels [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 6:00 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Virtual Host - IIS and DNS

I have set up Tomcat as a 'web farm'.

Basically, it does not matter whos DNS nameserver is
registered with, as long as the ip address that nameserver resolves it to is
the ip of the machine you have tomcat/yourapp on. You do not need to run
your own nameservers.

What matters is:


pinging [] with 32 blah blah

          - If the xxx is the ip of machine you have tomcat on, you are good
to go.

The host containers are useful so that you can run virtual ips/domains. If
you only have one domain, don't worry about it. I run one linux box with
many different (virtual) ips, which resolve to different domains. The host
container serves the correct servlets for the right domain.

Does your box have a static ip?


-----Original Message-----
From: John Ruffin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 2:32 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: Virtual Host - IIS and DNS

TC 4.1.18, W2K Server, IIS 5

I have a question about this (copied from the TC docs):

The Host element represents a virtual host, which is an association of a
network name for a server (such as "" with the particular
server on which Catalina is running. In order to be effective, this name
must be registered in the Domain Name Service (DNS) server that manages the
Internet domain you belong to

My question is:  Why does have to be registered in the
"DNS server" that manages the Internet domain I belong to.

In my limited knowledge, I was thinking that as long as
points to my webserver - DNS could be hosted on any DNS server.  Therefore
any request that comes to would resolve and
forward to TC.

Now, since my ISP hosts my DNS and I have TC running on the box will, not work unless I host my own DNS?

        localhost/webappname works
        can get to work - I get a 500 error in
        in the logs I don't see any errors - isapi.dll seems to be using my
worker from
        - yes, I looked in the IIS logs too - can't determine what's causing

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