There's no AJP connector listening on port 8009 (the default) or else you have an AJP connector configured and listening, but it is on the wrong port:

[Sun Mar 23 17:15:04 2003] [error] connect failed 60 Operation timed out
[Sun Mar 23 17:15:04 2003] [error] ajp13.connect() failed
[Sun Mar 23 17:15:04 2003] [error] ajp13.service() failed to connect endpoint errno=60 Operation timed out
[Sun Mar 23 17:15:04 2003] [error] ajp13.service() Error forwarding 1 1
[Sun Mar 23 17:15:04 2003] [notice] ajp13.done() close endpoint error_state 1

Check your server.xml for a connector (called CoyoteConnector) listening on port 8009. There should be one enabled by default, but I am not sure how you installed Tomcat. If you used the FreeBSD ports manager, the default configuration found in a Tomcat binary release may have been changed.


On Sun, 23 Mar 2003 18:31:57 +0100, Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,

Following the instructions on I was able to compile mod_jk2 (thank you!)

I've tried a number of variations of the jk2 configuration, but cannot get it to work. I keep on getting a series of errors:
[Sun Mar 23 17:13:00 2003] [notice] mod_jk.post_config() first invocation
[Sun Mar 23 17:13:01 2003] [notice] mod_jk.post_config() second invocation
[Sun Mar 23 17:13:02 2003] [notice] Apache configured -- resuming normal operations
[Sun Mar 23 17:13:02 2003] [notice] jk2_init() Found child 26498 in scoreboard slot 2
[Sun Mar 23 17:13:02 2003] [notice] jk2_init() Found child 26499 in scoreboard slot 3
[Sun Mar 23 17:13:02 2003] [notice] workerEnv.init() ok /usr/local/etc/apache2/
[Sun Mar 23 17:13:02 2003] [notice] jk2_init() Found child 26500 in scoreboard slot 4
[Sun Mar 23 17:13:02 2003] [notice] workerEnv.init() ok /usr/local/etc/apache2/
[Sun Mar 23 17:13:02 2003] [notice] jk2_init() Found child 26496 in scoreboard slot 0
[Sun Mar 23 17:13:02 2003] [notice] jk2_init() Found child 26497 in scoreboard slot 1
[Sun Mar 23 17:13:02 2003] [notice] workerEnv.init() ok /usr/local/etc/apache2/
[Sun Mar 23 17:13:02 2003] [notice] workerEnv.init() ok /usr/local/etc/apache2/
[Sun Mar 23 17:13:02 2003] [notice] workerEnv.init() ok /usr/local/etc/apache2/
[Sun Mar 23 17:13:02 2003] [error] mod_jk child init 1 0
[Sun Mar 23 17:13:14 2003] [notice] jk2_init() Found child 26505 in scoreboard slot 5
[Sun Mar 23 17:13:14 2003] [notice] workerEnv.init() ok /usr/local/etc/apache2/
[Sun Mar 23 17:13:49 2003] [notice] shm.createSlot() Create 1 0x2834e000 0x28350000
[Sun Mar 23 17:13:49 2003] [notice] workerEnv.init() create slot epStat.4
[Sun Mar 23 17:15:04 2003] [error] connect failed 60 Operation timed out
[Sun Mar 23 17:15:04 2003] [error] ajp13.connect() failed
[Sun Mar 23 17:15:04 2003] [error] ajp13.service() failed to connect endpoint errno=60 Operation timed out
[Sun Mar 23 17:15:04 2003] [error] ajp13.service() Error forwarding 1 1
[Sun Mar 23 17:15:04 2003] [notice] ajp13.done() close endpoint error_state 1
[Sun Mar 23 17:15:04 2003] [error] lb.service() worker failed 120000 for
[Sun Mar 23 17:15:04 2003] [notice] lb.getWorker() All workers in error state, use the one with oldest error
[Sun Mar 23 17:16:19 2003] [error] connect failed 60 Operation timed out
[Sun Mar 23 17:16:19 2003] [error] ajp13.connect() failed
[Sun Mar 23 17:16:19 2003] [error] ajp13.service() failed to connect endpoint errno=60 Operation timed out
[Sun Mar 23 17:16:19 2003] [error] ajp13.service() Error forwarding 1 1
[Sun Mar 23 17:16:19 2003] [notice] ajp13.done() close endpoint error_state 1
[Sun Mar 23 17:16:19 2003] [error] lb.service() worker failed 120000 for
[Sun Mar 23 17:16:19 2003] [notice] lb.getWorker() All workers in error state, use the one with oldest error
[Sun Mar 23 17:16:19 2003] [notice] lb.getWorker() We tried all possible workers 2
[Sun Mar 23 17:16:19 2003] [error] lb_worker.service() all workers in error or disabled state
[Sun Mar 23 17:16:19 2003] [error] mod_jk.handler() Error connecting to tomcat 120000

I'm at a loss :-(
If anybody has any clear explanations/examples of the jk2 configuration I would appreciate it (a lot!)

Thanks in advance,


Mr. Michele Neylon
Blacknight Solutions - affordable linux hosting

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