Dear Sir/Madam,

We are facing problem in configuring Apache-Tomcat on AIX 4.3. Could you
please help us out?
Our JSP/Servlets based web-application will be deployed in following
environment -
(In all cases, we have directly used available 'binaries' from sites.)
# OS - IBM AIX 4.3,
# JDK - 1.3_06 for IBM AIX 4.3,
# Apache - 1.3.26 for IBM AIX 4.3,
# Tomcat - 3.2.3,

# mod_jk - for AIX 4.3 - We downloaded it from
/bin/aix/ mod_jk-1.2.0+1-encap-rs6000-aix4.3.3.tar.gz. Please note that this
is the only version for AIX under jk / jk2.
The readme.html says - Apache JK 1.2.0 for AIX: You'll find here binaries
for Apache 1.3 with SSL. This mod_jk Encap was built from the
jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.0-src distribution using IBM JDK 1.3 and
the apache-1.3.26+1 Encap (which was built for EAPI).
It is also mentioned under
/ that Apache JK 1.2.0 version can be used with Tomcat 3.3.x, 4.0.x and
But says
that -
JK offers a lot of different and flexible communications between a Web
Server and the Tomcat Servlet Engine and could be used today with all of the
ASF Tomcat Engines, 3.2.x, 3.3.x, 4.0.x, 4.1.x and 5.x
So, we are not sure if we are using a proper version of as we are
using Tomcat 3.2.3.

Now, coming to the steps that we followed -
We carried out the entire process after logging in as root.
1. After installing and configuring httpd.conf, Apache is running fine
independently. (APACHE_HOME - usr/local/apache)

2. After installing and configuring, Tomcat is running fine independently.
(TOMCAT_HOME - usr/tomcat)
After starting Tomcat for the first time, it generated mod_jk.conf-auto,
which contains following statement on line 8 -
LoadModule jk_module libexec/

3. Then to establish communication between Apache & Tomcat, we decided to
use auto configuration.
We included following statement in httpd.conf file in the end -
Include /tomcat/conf/mod_jk.conf-auto

Then we untared the (mod_jk-1.2.0+1-encap-rs6000-aix4.3.3.tar) file in a
temporary directory.
This action extracted a directory - mod_jk-1.2.0+1. From this directory, we
have only picked up file from /libexec folder and copied it to our
usr/local/apache/libexec/ directory on the Server.
We have not picked up any other file from the untared files, though there
are many. (e.g. encapinfo, mod_jk.conf, workers,). We also executed
postinstall file as a last resort without knowing much about it, but the
following error still continues.

(Please note that in case of Linux, we get just one file. But here
for AIX4.3, there seem to be some other files as mentioned above. And if at
all anything is to be picked up/configured additionally, we have not found
any documentation.

4. When we restart Apache now, it gives following error -
# ./apachectl start
Syntax error on line 8 of /usr/tomcat/conf/mod_jk.conf-auto:
Cannot load /usr/local/apache/libexec/ into server: No such file or
./apachectl start: httpd could not be started
We have checked read/write/execute rights to the file, and they
are proper.

httpd.conf also contains LoadModule statements for loading other .so files
in /usr/local/apache/libexec. These statements get executed.
But LoadModule jk_module libexec/ statement gives in
mod_jk.conf-auto throws error.

Someone also suggested that we do the symbolic linking using following
command -
ln -s /usr/lib/apache libexec
But we could not follow it. We don't have 'lib' directory under 'usr'

Please guide us to eliminate the error. No suggestion so far seems to be

Thanks and regards.

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