I tried changing the URL Pattern as suggested below but that didn't fix 
the problem.  With regards to my code, I have a simple form in my JSP 
which uses the "GET" method to send some form field values to my 
servlet.  I'll paste the code below.

<FORM action="/SAWSServlet" class="formClass" method="get" >
    <INPUT type="HIDDEN" id="action" name= "action" value="logon">
    <p>UserId: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT type="TEXT" id="UserId" 
name= "UserId" width="50"></p>
    <p>Password: &nbsp;<INPUT type="PASSWORD" id="Password" 
name= "Password" width="50"></p>
    <p><INPUT type="SUBMIT" id="Submit" value="Logon" width="50"></p>

When I run this under Tomcat 4.1.18 there is an extra "/" inserted 
between the action and the start of the query string.  I don't have 
this problem when running the exact same code in NetBeans using the 
Internal Tomcat version 4.0.4.  The incorrect URL which is generated 
under Tomcat 4.1.18 is:  
Since the exact same code works in one version but fails in another 
that makes me suspect that the problem is a configuration issue.
Any clue what could be making the URL different between the two 
versions of Tomcat?

Quoting "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > It appears the problem might be related to the url-pattern.
> > In my web.xml file I have the following:
> >   <servlet-mapping>
> >     <servlet-name>SAWSServlet</servlet-name>
> >     <url-pattern>/SAWSServlet</url-pattern>
> >   </servlet-mapping>
> >
> > Running Tomcat 4.0.4 from within netbeans the URL which it
> successfully posts to after the logon
> > screen looks as follows: 
> http://localhost:8081/SAWSServlet?
> >
> > Under Tomcat 4.1.18 the URL which it tries to post to after logon
> has an extra "/" after the servlet name and
> > before the query string parameters: 
> http://localhost:8080/SAWSServlet/?
> >
> > Can anyone explain why I'm getting the extra "/" after the sevlet
> name?    I'm wondering if there is a setting in the server.xml or
> web.xml for the whole Tomcat install that is different in 4.1.18 than
> the Netbeans Internal version of Tomcat 4.0.4.
> > TIA for any help!
> Without seeing the code in your JSP page that generates the URL you
> are
> posting to, there is no way to know what's really going on.  However,
> a
> workaround that will make Tomcat forward the "extra slash" URL to
> your
> servlet anyway would be to change the URL pattern to
> "/SAWSServlet/*"
> instead.
> > Randy
> >
> Craig
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