Thanks Jacob!
        My problem was an unsuccessful close on one of my major servlets.  Just a
lame oversight on my part that caused a large headache.  So for everyone
else...REMEMBER to close your connections!!!!!


-----Original Message-----
From: Jacob Kjome [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 7:39 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: DataSource misconfigured?

Are you using a finally bock to close your connections?  You might be
reaching the maximum connections allowed in the pool for DBCP.  Please
provide an example of a query statement where you do try/catch/finally.  If
you are not checking if your connections are not null and then making a
last ditch attempt to close them in the finally block, then that may very
well be the problem.

Also, your URL should have "?autoReconnect=true" appended to the "url"
value since you are using MySQL.


At 10:29 PM 3/31/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>Hello Again Everyone! I know I have already sent out a message or three
>about this, but I need to resolve it pretty quickly.  I found a work
>but I would like a sanity check from those of you who really understand
>stuff.  I included a method that I wrote to get Connections, You can see
>old and the new along side each other.  The "manual" method allows me to
>query till the cows come home.. The "Resource" method gives me 12 DB hits
>4.1.18 and 5 on 4.1.24 (tested on both solaris 8 and 9) before it appears
>hang.  Oddly enough I can't pinpoint what is hanging because I have added
>log statements to this method and it appears to be working.. but
>substituting those two lines below removes the issue, so I believe it is
>returning an invalid connection or something that I don't understand.
>Thanks for any time spent on reading this!
>    /******************** Method Start ************************/
>    public static Connection getConnection () throws Exception {
>       Connection connection;
>       try {
>          /*********** Old Version
>          Context ctx = new InitialContext ();
>          if ( ctx == null )
>             throw new Exception ("No Context");
>          DataSource ds;
>          ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup ("java:comp/env/jdbc/CIHDB");
>          if ( ds != null )
>               connection = ds.getConnection();
>          else {
>            return null;
>          }//end of else
>          ************ End of old version */
>          Class.forName ("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance();
>          connection = DriverManager.getConnection (
>                       "jdbc:mysql://localhost/cih",
>                       "User","PassWord");
>       }//end of try
>       catch ( Exception e ) {
>          throw (e);
>       }//end of catch
>       return connection;
>    }//end getConnection
>/***** Web.xml definition
>    <resource-ref>
>       <description>
>          Resource reference to a factory for java.sql.Connection
>          instance that may be used for talking to a particular
>          database that is configured in the server.xml file
>       </description>
>       <res-ref-name>jdbc/CIHDB</res-ref-name>
>       <res-type>javax.sql.DataSource</res-type>
>       <res-auth>Container</res-auth>
>    </resource-ref>
>/****** server.xml
>         <Context path="/cih" docBase="cih" debug="0"
>                  reloadable="true" crossContext="true">
>            <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
>                    prefix="localhost_CIH." suffix=".txt"
>                    timestamp="true"/>
>            <Resource name="jdbc/CIHDB"
>                      auth="Container"
>                      type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
>            <ResourceParams name="jdbc/CIHDB">
>               <parameter>
>                  <name>factory</name>
>               </parameter>
>               <parameter>
>                  <name>username</name>
>                  <value>User</value>
>               </parameter>
>               <parameter>
>                  <name>password</name>
>                  <value>Password</value>
>               </parameter>
>               <parameter>
>                  <name>driverClassName</name>
>                  <value>com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</value>
>               </parameter>
>               <parameter>
>                  <name>url</name>
>                  <value>jdbc:mysql://localhost/cih</value>
>               </parameter>
>               <parameter>
>                  <name>removeAdandoned</name>
>                  <value>true</value>
>               </parameter>
>               <parameter>
>                  <name>removeAdandonedTimeout</name>
>                  <value>120</value>
>               </parameter>
>               <parameter>
>                  <name>MaxActive</name>
>                  <value>50</value>
>               </parameter>
>               <parameter>
>                  <name>MaxIdle</name>
>                  <value>10</value>
>               </parameter>
>               <parameter>
>                  <name>MaxWait</name>
>                  <value>200</value>
>               </parameter>
>            </ResourceParams>
>       </Context>
>Steve Gums
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