hey ya'all

I am compiling mod_jk on Solaris 8 on intel platform using ANT. I am
compiling everything fine except jk_jni_worker.c that completely barfs on

I had to do some tweaks before I could get the rest to work here are the

1. Add libtool to my path
2. Create a symbolic link from /usr/local/bin/gcc to cc and add that to my
path so when the program invokes cc it actually runs gcc.

forget about mod_jk2, that one has so many errors it hurts my eyes :)
but for mod_jk the only file that doesn't compile is jk_jni_worker.c, now I
am compiling with jdk 1.4.1, and the errors I am getting is some missing or
invalid header files from JAVA_HOME/include

anyone succesfully compiled with another jdk, or with jdk1.4


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