There is nothing wrong with both of you. My interpretation is inaccurate. It
should be:

1. *Tomcat Manager* deployed myapp from myapp.war
2. *Tomcat* unpacked myapp.war because unpackWar="true" in server.xml

Since context's docBase is the war (if deployed by *Tomcat Manager*), it
makes no sense unpacking the war.

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Christmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: June 5, 2003 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: Tomcat Manager deploy and undeploy

> Phillip Qin wrote:
>> - war is uploaded to $CATALINA/work/Standalone/; 
 >> - war is unpacked into $CATALIAN_HOME/webapps/myapp;

 > Jacob Kjome wrote:
> completely false

I have to agree with Phillip -- I've seen (and reliably reproduced) this 
behavior with Tomcat 4.1.24-LE.  The only way I got around problems 
caused by this (undeploy would not work if the app had been unpacked in 
the CATALINA_HOME/webapps folder, but remove would) was to modify the 
distributed server.xml, adding unpackWARs="false" to the <Host> entry.

I'd love to know *what* (if anything) I'm doing wrong, or have 
configured wrong.  But I've reproduced this multiple times on 3 
different Windows 2X servers with clean 4.1.24-LE installations.


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