i wish i could better help you but i am having problems as well in trying to get these components working together. but, i will try to give you meager comments based on my reading/experience.

one question: were you able to get rid of the mod_jk2 error at startup in apache ([error] mod_jk child init 1 0) that you wrote about earlier?


---jk2.properties ---
#list of needed handlers

#Set the derault port for the channelSocket

#Information about a UNIX domain socket - we don't have this.
Supposedly, the
#UNIX domain socket is used for speed only
#if this is used, add "channelUnix" to the handler.list above

#Dynamic library

# This will enable the starting of the Tomcat from mod_jk2

---jk2.properties ---

And here begin my questions.

- I cannot find a "jk2.socket" file anywhere - is this somewhere in the
Tomcat configs?

i believe that the file jk2.socket should be created on the tomcat side when tomcat starts up and reads the jk2.properties file (i think that the file is read if you have defined a jk2 connector in the server.xml file). however, i see that you have the line for creating this socket commented out and you also don't list the unix domain socket (channelUnix) in the handler list handler.list.

- notice the directory "/apache" - this is acutally a symbolic link (I'm
on a UNIX system) - the directory is actually called "httpd-2.0.45" -
I've tried using the different names for it, and it doesn't seem to
matter - or does it?

it shouldn't matter.

- as far as the UNIX domain socket and dynamic library go, the document
said that without the dynamic library section the UNIX domain socket
would fail, but a regular TCP/IP socket would still work. but UNIX
domain sockets were much, much faster. So does that mean I should
removed the part about the dynamic library if I'm using TCP/IP sockets?

Here is workers2.properties, found in {Apache}/conf

---workers2.properties ---

# Example socket channel
info=Ajp13 forwarding over socket

#Needed for UNIX domain socket - but we don't have that

# define the worker
#This uses the TCP/IP socket instead of the UNIX domain socket
#Uncomment the next line to use the UNIX domain socket

#Announce a "status" worker

# Map the Tomcat examples webapp to the Web server uri space
info=Map the whole webapp

#Uncomment the next line to use the UNIX domain socket
#info=Map the whole examples webapp


---workers2.properties ---

Something else I've seen, under that "#Example socket channel" entry is
that the port and host need to be explicity set, thusly:

( for localhost)

- Does this info have to be there as well?a
All this configuration info is based on the document on Apache 2, Tomcat
4.0.4 and mod_jk2 I found at http://www.pubbitch.org/jboss/mod_jk2.html
- and according to this document, once these config files have been
written and installed in the correct places, I need to start Tomcat,
then Apache. First, I should view a "normal" tomcat connection by
referencing a URL ending in 8080, or the port that the standard http
connector is on. Then, (assuming the URL has been mapped in
workers2.properties)(like "/examples/*", I assume) try the equivalent
URL by connecting to Apache instead - I take it that this last sentence
means that if the first URL
I viewed was, say, http://poivre.ucs.louisiana.edu:8080/examples, the
next URL I should try would be http://poivre.ucs.louisiana.edu/examples
- and I should get the same result, if the connector is working.

Well, according to that "status" worker, and my Apache log, the mod_jk2
connector is installed and working fine. However, all I get going to
that second URL is a blank page - even in the source of the page, all
that's there is <html><body></body></html>. A httpd-xfer log file I have
shows that each request returns a 400 (Bad Request), however when I go
to /jkstatus instead, I get a 200 and a page with tables, showing
various values and other information. I have tried this in several
different browsers - that is one reason I haven't been using "localhost"
but instead use my server's name - I can try it on a nearby PC as well.

None of the docs I've found as yet tell me what to do if things don't go
right - I'm not sure just where to look to solve this. I would
appreciate any ideas/comments/questions/etc.

have you looked at all of the tomcat log files (catalina.out, etc) to see if there are any errors? i've noticed that errors will not be identified w/ an 'error' tag but will be embedded in w/ the rest of the informational logging messages.

i have not tried using tcp/ip sockets to see if i get the same results that you do. but, i will try it to see if i get better results.


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