Thanks for the kind words. I can tell you that I just tried Apache 2.0.45 (from source), Tomcat 4.1.24, mod_jk 2.0.3 (from source...latest), and Red Hat 9.0, and everything worked fine, with only one snag, but that was a building Apache snag, not a mod_jk snag.

I will update my HOWTO soon, but as fas I can tell, nothing has changed even though Apache has revved up a couple, as has Red Hat and Tomcat.


On Fri, 30 May 2003 07:56:16 -0500, Geralyn M Hollerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Joe wrote:
According to one of the mail which I have received, I saw him putting
this in apache : httpd.conf:

JkLogFile /home/gmh2441/uPortal/Tomcat_4-0-4/logs/mod_jk.log
JkLogLevel debug
JkOptions +ForwardDirectories
Alias /examples /home/gmh2441/uPortal/Tomcat_4-0-4/webapps/examples
<Directory "/home/gmh2441/uPortal/Tomcat_4-0-4/webapps/examples">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
<Location "/examples/WEB-INF/">
AllowOverride None
deny from all

I tried putting the same thing into my httpd.conf, and now accessing the
example folder on port 80 works!.

Joe, 'gmh2441' is me! That was an effort of mine, based on something I'd read - I've been to John Turner's site and tried his HOW-TO, but since we weren't using the exact same versions, I wasn't sure whether it would work or not. What I have read since, in an Apache-Tomcat book at a local bookstore, was that I needed that <Directory> entry in there. It works for you? That's GREAT! It didn't for me - but then again, there may've been something else unintended in there - I'll have to look again. I can get static files to display, but I can't get .jsps or .class files to execute - I see from my apache log that every request gets a 400 (bad request) response.

My question is :

1) Based on the above config, it is asking apache to 're-direct' this
folder to the tomcat container and thus run on it. In that case, is
apache pushing all the jobs to tomcat instead?. What if some of the
files in this folder contains some html and is tomcat or apache
processing it??

I think there was a "JkMount" directive after all that - I believe that would decide which files go to Apache and which to Tomcat.

2) Secondly, if I were to have more folders which I need to publish on
the web, does it mean that I have to add or of it on this config file in
order for it to work?

Try this URL for the answer to this - it's a sample mod_jk.conf file from John Turner.


Basically, if I understand your question right, the answer is yes.

3) I would appreciate if there are some kind soul could give me some URL
on how to utilize apache tomcat to process both static and jsp content.

Well, for starters, John Turner's site ( was excellent; there were some answers at the apache site (; some more good advice at; and at There was also something I found useful, about mod_jk2, at But the main thing I found was that about every site I went to, I had to REALLY look around to find what I needed - and more often than not, I had to settle for a partial answer to any question I had.


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