Hi all,

I am using Tomcat 4.1.24, and I am trying to hide the list of files that
I have in my context, I define something like :

 <Context path="/ue_sectur" docBase="C:\IFAI\UE_SECTUR" debug="0"
 <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
prefix="UE_SECTUR_log." suffix=".txt" timestamp="true"/>


and I enter to http://localhost:/ue_sectur
I can see (correctly) my index.jsp, now inside C:\IFAI\UE_SECTUR I have
other folders like: C:\IFAI\UE_SECTUR\jsp

so when I enter to http://localhost:/ue_sectur/jsp shows all my files in
that folder, I checked the Tomcat documentation but I haven't found the
parameter that I have to change in order to hide the content of this

I apreciate your help.
Gustavo Mejia
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