

On Tue, 3 Jun 2003 11:39:35 -0700, Extance, Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We've already done this as part of the Jaffa ( open
source project. For more details see...

The Source Code @ bin/viewcvs.cgi/jaffa/JaffaCore/source/java/o
rg/jaffa/tomcat/realm/ type=text/vn

The Jaffa Site @

The JAR, if you want the easy way... is attached!

This has been tested with most tomcat releases from 3.3a upto 4.1.24 and
works. It supports two types of encryption signatures

String xxx(String password) and
String xxx(String password, String Userid) in case you want to use their
user id as part of the key for the encryption

You provide the class name and the method name in server.xml, and it looks
for either method 1 or 2 and uses that to encrypt the password, before
comparing it with the one in the database. It does not try to decrypt the
database password, so a one way encryption algorithm can be supported.

This Realm also allow you some other features like extending the where
clause for the retrieve on user records, and the select for how to read the
roles (incase you don't want to create additional views!)

An example of how it can be used in server.xml is...

className          = "org.jaffa.tomcat.realm.JDBCEncryptionRealm"
debug              = "0"
driverName         = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
connectionURL      = ""
connectionName     = "mydbuser"
connectionPassword = "mydbpass"
userTable          = "users"
userNameCol        = "user_id"
userCredCol        = "password"
userClause         = "password is not null and user_status='Active'"
userRoleTable      = "user_roles"
roleNameCol        = "role_name"
encryptionClass    = ""
encryptionMethod   = "encrypt"

Just make sure you but the attached JAR, and your JAR in the /server/lib
directory, and put the database driver JAR(s) in the same place or in

Hope this helps...

Paul Extance

-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Steitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 9:25 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Alternate password encyption code?

Jeff Sexton wrote:
On Thu, 29 May 2003, Raible, Matt wrote:

Why don't you just have the JDBCRealm do it - add digest="SHA".

I need something other than SHA, I need to use my own custom code for an
encyrption method of my own that is not provided by JDBCRealm

To programmatically do it using form-based authentication, I've used a
LoginServlet that's mapped to "auth" in my login.jsp's form.  In this
servlet, I encrypt the password and redirect to "j_security_check" - is
what you're looking for?

Maybe.  I'll do some reading about form-based authentication.  I'm not

I'm after this because I already have set up a JDBCRealm based system,
with BASIC authentication, and SHA, under Tomcat for both servlets and
cocoon stuff. Now I want to tie this together with another application
that encypts passwords differently from any method available in JDBCRealm.

I have the code for the encyption. If I could simply drop this code into
the user validation JDBCRealm does for me in Tomcat, it'd be great because
the security would all work and I wouldn't have to create any
user/password management pages of my own.

Based on the documentation here howto.html#Digested%20

and a quick look at the sources here*checkout*/jakarta-tomcat- 4.0/catalina/src
share/org/apache/catalina/realm/ type=text/pl

it does not look to me like you are going to be able to do this without hacking the JDBC Realm implementation. The tomcat JDBC Realm implementation supports digested (*not* encrytped) passwords using to do the hashing. This means that the hashing must be performed using one of the standard algorithms specified here

You are probably best off going with one of the approaches that Matt has outlined if you want to serve login pages from the tomcat nodes.


If I can do this, I can tie Tomcat authentication to the password system my company has on other systems.

Any tips are helpful! I'm a little lost with this.

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