Sorry, but that was what I tried first. My problem seems to be with the mechanics of using JDK1.4 logging within Tomcat (with or without the commons wrapper) - I can get it to work fine outside (where I 'control' the VM, ClassLoader etc).



Phillip Qin wrote:
Commons-logging is a wrapper. Try use log4j or jdk 1.4 logger for the
underlying logger

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Shaw [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: June 4, 2003 1:42 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Logging help please


Does anyone have a link to a FAQ or HOW-TO for using commons-logging with Tomcat 4.1.x please? I've read the obvious ones at and, and tried all sorts before having to back out and go to a wrapper around ServletContext.log (which doesn't give me levels and files etc). I was hoping to use the JDK14 Logger FileLogger.

I'd appreciate a sanity check on the below - thanks for your time.

I have 4 co-operating web apps, each of which extends their Controller servlet from a class in a common jar file (deployed in WEB-INF/lib with each app).

I would like to be able to 'tune' (outside the .war file) the logging levels, filenames etc.

Modifying the $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ file seems to make no difference (and seems as if it would be 'global').

I tried loading a log properties file using loadResourceAsStream in the Controller super-class - which seems better (in that it does some of the logging, but I can't seem to get it to log 'finer' than INFO). This also creates multiple log files (following the pattern xxxx%u.log as per JDK 1.4 logging). I am happy to provide the properties file-name in the web.xml as an init parameter - seems sound.

Class Loading etc. :

For singletons (e.g. the Controller servlet super-class instances), I would assume that initialising the log as a static variable would result in different Factories for each app as it is a different class-loader.

When I have multiple instances of a class, however, (I'm using Command/Action pattern) should I use a static variable (write contention causes the multiple files mentioned above?)? Is there a distinction between logging to multiple instances of the FileLogger as opposed to a single instance? Is there a reason to optimise the calls to get a Logger from the Factory - or is it OK to just grab one as and when?

Sorry for the length.



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