In TomCat 4.1.18, its impossible to get any bean content as bellow! The
TomCat's running process seems to be WRONG.Why? The code bellow is correct,
and runs fine in OC4J! Unfortunately, I am thinking in stop using TomCat

<font class="Style_1"><a
Property name="dica" property="nomeDica" /></B></a></font>

But, this  bean property is well defined into my Javabeans!!!

Take a look at the log running process of Tomcat:
 dica = (euc.Dica) pageContext.getAttribute("dica", PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE);
        if (dica == null){
          try {
            dica = (euc.Dica)
java.beans.Beans.instantiate(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), "euc.Dica");
          } catch (ClassNotFoundException exc) {
            throw new InstantiationException(exc.getMessage());
          } catch (Exception exc) {
            throw new ServletException("Cannot create bean of class " +
"euc.Dica", exc);
          pageContext.setAttribute("dica", dica, PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE);

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