On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 19:22, Paridhi Bansal wrote:
> Hi!!!!
> Thanx for ur reply..i got ur point ..what u mean to say is that jar file
> has to be kept at two places- one for the interanl tomcat use and other for
> the client?? ...but isn't it that  the servlet throws the jar to the client
> once for all. and once client browser has the jar file, then why should it
> access the server again for the jar?

No, in your case the jar file is just the source for the applet, Tomcat 
doesn't care about it's contents only the client does, think of it as similar 
to an image file...

If you had a library that your servlet required say for example a JDBC driver 
to access a database then that would need to go in /WEB-INF/lib but with this 
jar file Tomcat is only serving it up for the client to use so it only needs 
to go in a directory the client can access. Then the html to load the applet 
refers to that location.

Is that a bit clearer?

Jason Bainbridge

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