We'll need more information, like what are your JkMount statements, what are the contents of your workers.properties file, and what does mod_jk.log say when you make the request on port 80.

You might want to increase JkLogLevel in Apache's httpd.conf to get more info in mod_jk.log.


On Thu, 19 Jun 2003 17:50:11 +0000, Dave Wicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have compiled and configure mod_jk for use with Apache 2.0.40 proxying for Tomcat 4.1.24.
There seems to be a problem when I try out the example login.jsp. It works fine if I go directly
to the tomcat server directly, but if I access it via the proxy then Apache returns 404 (not found).

e.g this works

this returns a 404 ;-(

I have scoured the mail archives for a solution, alas still no answer.
Does anyone out there know what causes this?

Finally can someone please inform me where I go to view the replies to this message,
it was mentioned that there was a forum somewhere.

Hope this is a 'smart question'.

Many thanks in advance.


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