I've been using tomcat in production for servlets for a couple years.  I got lost 
after 4.0.  I downloaded 5.0 milestone exe and installed.  Much easier than before, 
even created the service without asking.
2 questions:
- I usually copy/paste all the library .jar files into my jdk/lib and choose not to 
overwrite (tools.jar).  Then I can compile servlets w/o problem.
J2SE .java files compile just fine with the classpath I have which does contain the   
".;c:/jdk/lib" but the compiler can't find servlet classes.
- I'd like to just drop a servlet into a directory, restart the service and test 
servlets.  I drop them into one of the /class directories on 4.0 and this works.  5.0 
and 4.1 have about a half dozen "class" directories in different locations.  I've 
tried dropping the same servlet on 4.1 in all of them but it still won't load.  
Are there any instructions to just get a simple servlet to run using a browser address 
something like http://localhost:8080/servlet/SomeServlet?
Please help!

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