OK, I appreciate your response.  -Dave 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Turner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 11:23 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: SPAM: Re: mod_jk quirk?

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Hi -

AFAIK, Tomcat never reads workers.properties, only mod_jk reads 

If you use the auto-generation, your worker will always be named ajp13.  If 
you need something else, you need to configure things manually.  The 
ApacheConfig classes are a convenience, not a requirement, and could easily 
go away in the future (they're not even used for JK2 which is where the 
current dev efforts are).

The complaints you are getting when you change or remove workers.properties 
are from Apache and mod_jk, not Tomcat.


On Fri, 20 Jun 2003 11:15:59 -0400, Dave Naden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> When I auto-generate the mod_jk directives, I'm finding strange 
> behavior:
> Even if my workers.properties file contains the name of a worker other 
> than ajp13, the JkMount commands that get generated always have the 
> worker name as "ajp13".
> for example, if I put the following in my workers.properties:
> worker.list=testWorker1
> # settings for testWorker1
> worker.testWorker1.port=8009 worker.testWorker1.host=localhost
> worker.testWorker1.type=ajp13
> I'll still get, in the auto file, lines like:
> JkMount /examples/jsp/security/protected/j_security_check  ajp13 
> JkMount /examples/snoop  ajp13 JkMount /examples/servlet/*  ajp13
> JkMount /examples/CompressionTest  ajp13
> JkMount /examples/*.jsp  ajp13
> JkMount /examples/servletToJsp  ajp13
> ...etc.
> even though I'm naming the worker 'testWorker1'
> I know Tomcat is reading the correct workers.properties file, because
> when I remove it, Tomcat complains.
> BTW, here's my <location directive:
> <Listener className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.config.ApacheConfig"
> modJk="c:/Apache2/modules/mod_jk-2.0.42.dll"  />
> Anybody know what's going on?
> -Dave Naden
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