Your DecodeInterceptor usage covered inappropriately designed web page ;)

Use a Filter to do this in tomcat 4.  You'll have to write a request charset
setting filter as that doesn't come built-in to tomcat.

Yoav Shapira

--- j p <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have problem moving my App. to tomcat 4. On TC 3.3 I used
> <DecodeInterceptor .... /> feature to force cp-1250 when decoding request
> data.
> I've searched this in TC 4.1, but I didn't find anything with similar
> functionality.
> I have following problem: I have jsp page with form, which has set
> contentType to
> "text/html; charset=windows-1250". When I'm processing posted data on
> another page,
> request.getParameter() returns incorrectly decoded strings - national
> characters are replaced with '?'.
> Any help?
> Thanks, Jan Peknik.
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Yoav Shapira

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