*sorry if this goes through twice. sent through wrong account the first

Looking through the log file the only relevant thing I see in there is
the following section:
2003-06-20 16:55:51 StandardWrapper[/examples:default]: Loading
container servlet default
2003-06-20 16:55:51 StandardWrapper[/examples:invoker]: Loading
container servlet invoker
2003-06-20 16:58:26 HostConfig[localhost]: Deploying configuration
descriptor manager.xml
2003-06-20 16:58:26 WebappLoader[/manager]: Deploying class repositories
to work directory
2003-06-20 16:58:26 StandardHost[localhost]: Removing web application at
context path /admin
2003-06-20 16:58:26 StandardHost[localhost]: Removing web application at
context path /webdav
2003-06-20 16:58:26 StandardHost[localhost]: Removing web application at
context path /examples
2003-06-20 16:58:26 ContextListener:
2003-06-20 16:58:26 ContextListener:
2003-06-20 16:58:26 ContextListener:
2003-06-20 16:58:26 SessionListener: contextDestroyed()
2003-06-20 16:58:26 ContextListener: contextDestroyed()

But that I dont understand. If the admin webapp was removed completely
why would I :
a) be able to log in still
b) be able to even get into the /admin directory

I am using jdk 1.4.2 but had the same issue on 1.4.1. I am also using
the LE version. I will try the full version out and see what happens
with that.


On Mon, 2003-06-23 at 11:12, Jason Bainbridge wrote:

> On Mon, 23 Jun 2003 22:36, Nick Stuart wrote:
> > Good morning all! I'm having issues with getting the admin app to work
> > correctly on 4.1.24. I can log into it fine and everything appears to be
> > normal, but when I go to try and do anything I get the following
> What JDK are you using? Did you download the LE or full version of Tomcat? Try 
> the full version if you have the LE...
> Are there any errors in your CATALINA_HOME/logs/localhost_DDMMYYY.log file 
> related to the startup of the admin app?
> Regards,

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