On Monday June 23 2003 05:45 am, John Turner wrote:
> It is trivial in Tomcat as well.
> For each Apache ServerName, you will need a corresponding Host entry in
> Tomcat's server.xml.  Make sure each virtual host in Tomcat's server.xml
> has its own appBase.
> For the VirtualHost you posted:
> <Host name="dookoo.totalflood.com" appBase="/var/jakarta/totalflood">
>    <Context path="" docBase="ROOT" />
> </Host>

That works.  Thanks. 

I had to remove the <Context ... /> -- It caused tomcat fail.  Howewer, it 
seems it is not necessary.

> ...or something very similar.  Put your JSPs in
> /var/jakarta/totalflood/ROOT.  Make sure there is a directory called
> /var/jakarta/totalflood/ROOT/WEB-INF.  Delete your Directory entry that
> allows all, and instead add a Directory entry that restricts WEB-INF and
> META-INF.  This is all covered in the docs for Host and for Context.  An
> example of what configuration for Apache looks like, for a virtual host
> named "localhost", is here:
> http://www.johnturner.com/howto/mod_jk_conf.html
> John
> On Fri, 20 Jun 2003 18:21:20 -0700, Stephen Carville
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > How can I get Tomcat to recognize virtual domains?  This is trivial with
> > Apache and I can get Apache to fetch the correct jsp but I cannot get
> > timcat to process it.  If I turn off tomcat, apache sends the jsp source.
> > If I turn tomcat on, I get the error 404 page
> >
> > workers.properties:
> >
> > workers.tomcat_home-/var/jakarta/tomcat
> > workers.java_home=/usr/java/jdk
> > ps=/
> >
> > # worker list
> > worker.list=ajp13
> >
> > worker.ajp13.port=8009
> > worker.ajp13.host=localhost
> > worker.ajp13.type=ajp13
> >
> > jk.conf: (Included by the httpd.conf file)
> >
> > LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.so
> > JkWorkersFile   /etc/httpd/conf/workers.properties
> > JkLogFile       /var/log/httpd/mod_jk.log
> >
> > example <Virtual Host>
> >
> > <VirtualHost *>
> > ServerName      dookoo.totalflood.com
> > DocumentRoot    /var/jakarta/totalflood/ROOT
> > <Directory /var/jakarta/totalflood/ROOT>
> > order allow,deny
> > allow from all
> > </Directory>
> > DirectoryIndex  HomePage.jsp
> > ErrorLog        /var/log/httpd/totalflood-error.log
> > JkMount         /*.jsp  ajp13
> > </VirtualHost>

Stephen Carville http://www.heronforge.net/~stephen/gnupgkey.txt
Mom & Pop were just a couple of kids when they got married. He was
eighteen, she was sixteen and I was three."
 -- Billie Holiday

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