The easiest thing to do is the following:

Put Test into a package.  Then copy the proper package directory
structure into WEB-INF/classes.

Then add the fully qualified class-name of Test into your JSP.  This
will work. 

If you have a class that is not in a package you will have a hard time
resolving it.  
Atreya Basu
Greenfield Research Inc.
e-mail: atreya (at) greenfieldresearch (dot) ca

-----Original Message-----
From: David Zellhoefer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: June 24, 2003 6:29 AM
Subject: easy question


I have a easy question for you:

1)I have written a class called Test, compiled it and placed it in
2) Now I want to use objects from Test in a JSP, but if I try to use
Test Tomcat always tells me that it is not able to resolve the symbol.

What shall I do? Do I need to change the web.xml?



PS: I've restarted Tomcat 4.1.12 everytime I changed something in the
WEB-INF directory.

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