This is also on my wish list for docs. To have many many examples, for example:

jk ( && http.conf)
- Simple
- With advanced options
- With multiple workers (one host)
- With multiple workers & loadbalancer (one host)
- With multiple workers & mulitple loadbalancers (one host)
- All the above with virtual hosts
- All the above, with jk2

For example, the "simple version" more advanced versions can say "refer" to simple version for property descriptions -- # # load balancing example for jk # # Comment start with # and may be omitted #

# All the workers defined in this file

# Set properties for cowbell

# The worker is an ajp13 type. This means the apache (or other)
# process will connect via tcp/ip to a tomcat instance
# The tomcat instance better have a <Engine  jvmRoute="workerName"...>
# for loadbalancing to work right. Workers types may be:
#  - ajp13 - The commonly used ajp13 protocol (use this!)
#  - ajp12 - The old ajp12 protocol
#  - jni - Running tomcat in process
#  - lb - A holder to define workers in as part of a loadbalancer

# Where ip address tomcat is listening for ajp connections
# alternate examples may include ...

# The port # tomcat is listening for ajp connections

# property should be used when you have a firewall between your webserver
# and the Tomcat engine, who tend to drop inactive connections. This flag
# will told Operating System to send KEEP_ALIVE message on inactive
# connections (interval depend on global OS settings, generally 120mn),
# and  prevent the firewall to cut the connection. [1|0]
# this may be omitted

# property to webserver to cut an ajp13 connection after some time
# of inactivity. When choosing an endpoint for a request and the assigned
# socket is open, it will be closed if it was not used for the configured
# time. It's a good way to ensure that there won't too old threads living
# on Tomcat side, with the extra cost you need to reopen the socket next
# time a request be forwarded. This property is very similar to
# cache_timeout  but works also in non-cache mode.
# This setting times out in 300 seconds
# [default is do nothing, this may be omitted]


Atreya Basu wrote:
There seems to be a great deal of discussion about JK2.  I know that JK2
is the outstanding issue for me in getting Tomcat running.   Maybe it
would be a good idea to share everyone's experiences about JK2, like
what works and what doesn't.  Then we could at least have something to
go on.  Maybe we could post our .properties files somewhere along with
the log and see if we can either reproduce the error or learn from it.

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