Yes. In each tomcat, you will need in server.xml
 <Engine jvmRoute="someUniqueTomcatId" ...>

Then each uniqueTomcatId will need to be in (or whatever config file you make apache use). Then all the 'uniqueTomcatId' workers sit behind a loadbalancer worker also defined in

The drawback is if a tomcat goes down, then you lose the session in a user tries to go to that instance. Luckily you can persist all sessions to a file and hope for a quick restart to minimize the amout of damage. Otherwise, there are 2 workarounds:
- Persist session data in a database
- Use the clustring facilities. But in tomcat4 they are more or less experimental. In tomcat5 - they will be MUCH better.

The faq has a lot of links to other sites and to the docs:


Dan Hart wrote:
Please forgive my ignorance in this matter and the inherant rudeness in
asking a question moments after subscribing to this list.

The short question:  Is it possible to maintain persistant connections
                     across a line of front-end apache 1.3 linux boxen?
                     The goal is high availability.  If possible, please
                     point me in the right direction of finding
                     documentation on this ability.


        Hardware LB Level:              BigIP (Redundant, of course)
                                |    |    |    |    |    |  ...
        Webserver Level:      webA webB webC webD webE webF ...
       (Apache + mod_jk)        |    |    |    |    |    |  ...
                                |    |    |    |    |    |    |  ...
        Tomcat Level:          tc1  tc2  tc3  tc4  tc5  tc6  tc7 ...
       (On Solaris 8)           |    |    |    |    |    |    |  ...
        Database Level:                   |
                                       Database (Redundant, of course)

Details: ========

I understand on a basic level how the mod_jk connector works, mainly from
documentation found in the worker's HOWTO.  To quote:

        * sticky_session  specifies whether requests with SESSION ID's
                          should be routed back to the same Tomcat worker.
                          If sticky_session is an int and is not 0 it is set
                          to JK_TRUE and sessions are sticky, otherwise
                          sticky_session is set to false. Set sticky_session
                          to JK_FALSE when Tomcat is using a Session Manager
                          which can persist session data across multiple
                          instances of Tomcat. By default sticky_session
                          is set to JK_TRUE.

This appears to refer to a single apache instance.  It also seems to be
enabled by default, which would explain the difficulty in finding
documentation on it ;)  From past experience with mod_jserv, I know I
could do this setup using ApJServRoute directives (assuming these were the
same across all systems, of course).

So is this possible with mod_jk?  My assumption is that "Yes, of course
this is possible you twat and is enabled by default even!" however such
answers tend to go poorly at higher levels of management.  So a piece of
official documentation showing this would be highly appreciated.


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